Author: biz-runner

How does deputy Novynskyi Vadym work

Novynskyi Vadym was elected to the Verkhovna Rada in November 2014 in the nationwide multi-mandate constituency. During this time the deputy has accumulated 41 promises, some of them from the election program of the party, on the lists of which he was elected to parliament. Novynskyi Vadym has fulfilled 7 promises (17%), and 18 –…

By biz-runner April 1, 2021 Off

How to Find a Reliable Lawyer

To choose a lawyer, the first thing to do is to ask acquaintances who have already used such services. If you are referred to a particular specialist, you should go to him, not just to the firm where he works. In every profession there are bad specialists, and no one is immune from this. But…

By biz-runner March 17, 2021 Off

Open bidding for energy resources

The modern energy trading sector can really bring you qualitatively new opportunities and provide you with everything that will be optimal. In the end, you will have a chance to come up with some new results that benefit us and allow us to optimize all those systems that will be fundamentally important in your particular…

By biz-runner February 25, 2021 Off

On what basis does the energy exchange work?

The issue of specialized exchanges, which provide their clients with the opportunity to trade energy resources, has long been quite acute. Many companies that find this method of purchasing products quite attractive, are still afraid to take full advantage of it, because they are not quite familiar with the basic principles of such sites.

By biz-runner October 14, 2020 Off

How to buy property in Mallorca

At the moment everyone has the Internet at their disposal, so it has become much easier to solve one or another task than usual. Therefore, you should be more attentive to this issue and try to do everything necessary so that you can get the best result in any sector. When it comes to the…

By biz-runner June 3, 2020 Off

Repayment of credit

You have been dreaming about something for a long time, looking at the right subject, pricing and collecting money. And so, having taken the missing part with a bank loan, you bought it. But the limit for joy comes when there is nothing to pay for the loan. What are your risks in this situation? …

By biz-runner May 8, 2020 Off

How can you get likes in Tik Tok? 

Buying likes at Tik Tok is the fastest, most efficient and effective way to increase your chances of getting into recommendations and promotion of your account. Millions of people will know about you! Take advantage of it. A large number of likes and views affect your further promotion and advancement. TOP bloggers do not hesitate…

By biz-runner February 28, 2020 Off

Advantages of billboard

Today outdoor advertising is becoming more and more popular. By its popularity, it is already almost equal to television commercials. In this case, the most recognizable carriers of outdoor advertising are the so-called billboards. It is they are most often found on city streets. You can install a sign with the services of this company…

By biz-runner January 21, 2020 Off

What Information Does a Business Share with an ISAO?

Small and Midsized businesses are considerably concerned about their interaction with an ISAO and the sharing of information that takes place. The concern, justifiably so, centers around the type of information shared, culpability for a hack if the information is released and the privacy of the information that is shared.

By biz-runner July 31, 2019 Off