Category: Blog

Best Small Business Loan Options for Women

Women are starting and running small businesses in record numbers, yet fewer women than men apply for and receive small business loans. This is not because small business financing for women doesn’t exist; although there aren’t any small business loans open only to women applicants, several lenders and loan programs focus on supporting women entrepreneurs.

By biz-runner July 27, 2019 Off

Top Tips for Renting Your First Office Space

Renting your first office space is equally exciting and terrifying. If you’ve been working from home, where most small businesses start out, the added expense can be daunting. Leaving behind the distractions and demands of home and family, however, can make a big difference to your productivity, and give you the space and freedom to…

By biz-runner July 23, 2019 Off

Dutch business legal structure

When it is decided to start up activities in the Netherlands, one should consider an appropriate legal structure for the business. It is possible to start a business in the Netherlands through a branch or through a legal form, like a corporation or partnership.

By biz-runner July 17, 2019 Off

How to Transform Your Small Business Into a Big Business

Learning how to grow your business isn’t just a worthy goal; growing your business is often a necessity for your business’s survival and your economic well-being. What can you do to get your business beyond the bare sustenance level? What can you do to turn it into the income-generating powerhouse you envision? Try one or more…

By biz-runner July 15, 2019 Off

Big Data technologies

You grab your phone, it recognizes your face and unblocks. Only a few seconds, right? Do you wonder how it works and what processes are under the phone case? Let’s talk about Big Data technologies and how they are applied in real life.  Big Data is the fundamental instrument for analysis, machine learning (ML) and…

By biz-runner July 9, 2019 Off

Business Information Systems overview

Business Information Systems (BIS) comprises the analysis and organization of business information through the application of technology. As such it blends core concepts of management, operations and information systems theory with computer science and engineering methods and technologies to manage an organization’s data. 

By biz-runner July 7, 2019 Off