How to Find a Reliable Lawyer
To choose a lawyer, the first thing to do is to ask acquaintances who have already used such services. If you are referred to a particular specialist, you should go to him, not just to the firm where he works. In every profession there are bad specialists, and no one is immune from this. But by reading this guide to finding a good lawyer, you are more likely to find one.
Usually, in order to find a lawyer, the client goes around several law firms, looks at what the lawyer is like, how he talks, where the office is located and how presentable it all looks. After comparing several options in terms of price, the solidity of the office, proximity to the client and several other parameters, the customer makes a decision. And in the end all you have to do is trust the choice you’ve made. Many people think that if a lawyer looks posh and has all the attributes inherent in a lawyer, it indicates his success, and this is a guarantee that your problem will be solved qualitatively and on time. But in most cases, the luxury is achieved by high fees, not the quality of services provided.
Most likely, in fact all the work will be done by another specialist. This principle of building companies is used everywhere. Surely you can remember many examples from your own life, when you buy something or order a service, you are nicely treated by consultants of model appearance, but in fact the work is done by other people. When you have a complaint about the quality of goods or services, then you are switched to outright rude people. So I strongly recommend to get acquainted with the actual performer. But as practice shows, even dealing with a respectable lawyer, such as Michael Kyriakides, does not mean that you will not be cheated.
How do you usually choose a lawyer?
Going around law firms, you will often see an expensive office, a luxurious office, a few bored employees, expensive lawyer accessories. All of this requires a lot of overhead, and rest assured that it will fall on your shoulders. If a lawyer is used to taking a lot of money, he or she will stick to that amount. If you do get him a substantial discount, the risk of not getting the proper result, as this lawyer will decrease motivation to conduct your case at the proper level and achieve the desired result.
How to find a lawyer

To do this, you need to check that the lawyer has experience in the area in which you have a problem. There are specializations in every profession. For example, you will not go to the dentist to treat your eyes and teeth to an ophthalmologist, although they are both doctors. Lawyers, too, have their own specialties. A rich judicial practice can testify to his integrity and high qualification. Indeed, only actually performed earlier work will tell about the lawyer better than any resume.
After all, court cases are open, and you can always get access to this or that decision or ruling of the court in order to check whether this or that representative really participated in the process on the specified case. If you know the case number, you can use search engines to find the case and see who the representative was. Familiarizing yourself with the court cases of the potential executor, you thereby kill two birds with one stone. One – it reduces the risk of possible fraud. Second, you will choose a person who is actively practicing and knows the process from the inside.
You should also pay more attention to checking the reputation of the lawyer. For example, you can use this website http://www.mkyriakides.wordpress.com/. Here you will find useful information that will keep you safe from scammers. Even a company with a good reputation can turn out to be a scammer, so you should be careful in your search for a lawyer in order to avoid mistakes in the end.